Instytut Informatyki, Węgierska Akademia Nauk

The coordination and implementation of IT work related to database management and registry development will be done by the Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI), which has a long track record of building electronic registries and databases of historical source material and making these available in the framework of European cooperative projects financed by European Research Council.

MTA SZTAKI — member of ERCIM and a Centre of Excellence of the EU — performs basic and application-oriented research in an interdisciplinary setting of computer science, engineering, information technology, intelligent systems, process control and wide-area networking. The Institute also conducts contract-based target research and development and provides training and expertise for domestic and foreign academic, industrial, governmental and other partners.

The Department of Distributed Systems fosters research on and development of distributed computer systems, including digital library systems, context-aware pervasive systems, groupware applications and services and semantic and world wide web (service) technologies. DSD runs the W3C Hungarian Office. DSD is an active community member of S-Cube for Software, Systems and Systems Network and of the international community for digital library research in Europe, with professional experience in JAVA, XML, RDF, OWL and SPARQL technologies. DSD also works for large multinational companies, such as RICOH (Japan) in the area of R&D of collaborative systems and services, RIM (Canada) for mobile systems, and EADS Space Transportation (France).

László Kovács

László Kovács

National Task Manager
András Micsik

András Micsik

Project Manager & Deputy National Task Manager
Balázs Nász

Balázs Nász

Web Development