The primary objective of the Centre for Social Sciences (MTA TK) is to conduct basic research in the social sciences. In addition to nurturing research, the Centre provides a forum for social science discussions through the organisation of conferences and the provision of infrastructural support for both the associations of social sciences and their most important social science journals in Hungary. MTA TK has two digital repositories: the Research Documentation Centre (RDC) and the Voices of the 20th Century Archive (“Voices”). RDC is a digital repository of the CSS that archives the data of research projects conducted at the Centre for the Social Sciences. “Voices” explores the heritage of Hungarian qualitative sociological knowledge, documents the history of Hungarian qualitative research, fosters research on the history of the discipline on the basis of its collections and provides both reflection and professional self-reflection upon the methodological and epistemological challenges in interview sources and the potentials of secondary analyses of the qualitative sources.
Project leader for the Institute of Sociology, CSS HAS: Éva Kovács. Participants: Bernadett Csurgó, Judit Gárdos and Szabina Kerényi.

Éva Kovács
National Task Manager (Hungary)
Bernadett Csurgó
Judit Gárdos