Filtry ˆ

Leahu, Gheorghe 


Miejsce urodzenia

  • Chicago

Data urodzenia

  • 1932

Role zarządzających

Autorzy tej strony

  • Petrescu, Cristina
  • Pintilescu, Corneliu

Lista przypisów

Leahu, Gheorghe. 1988. Bucureşti – arhitectură şi culoare (Bucharest – Architecture and Colour). Bucharest: Editura Sport Turism.

Leahu, Gheorghe. 1993. Lipscani – centrul istoric al Bucureştilor (Lipscani – the Historical Centre of Bucharest). Bucharest: Editura Arta Grafică.

Leahu, Gheorghe. 1995. Bucureştiul dispărut (Lost Bucharest). Bucharest: Editura Arta Grafică.

Leahu, Gheorghe. 1997. Distrugerea Mănăstirii Văcăreşti (The Destruction of the Văcăreşti Monastery). Bucharest: Editura Arta Grafică.

Leahu, Gheorghe. 1999. Bucureşti – portretul unui oraş (Bucharest – Portrait of a City). Bucharest: Crater.

Leahu, Gheorghe. 2017. Acuarela de arhitectură (Architectural watercolours). Bucharest: Vremea.

Panaitescu, Alexandru. 2012. De la Casa Scânteii la Casa Poporului. Patru decenii de arhitectură în Bucureşti 1945–1989 (From the House of the Spark to the House of the People: four decades of architecture in the city of Bucharest, 1945–1989). Bucharest: Simetria.

Leahu, Gheorghe, interview by Pintilescu, Corneliu, Petrescu, Cristina, September 15, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2018-09-27 13:09:18