Event (general): The establishment of the Milan Hübl collection
The personal collection of Milan Hübl, consisting of documents created between 1947 and 1989, was founded by the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The first extant records of the existence of the collection are from 1991, two years after the death of Milan Hübl, when a provisional inventory list was made by D. Lisoňová. The collection consists mostly of Hübl’s own texts (lectures and essays), samizdat and foreign literature, materials from the Political University of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and documents related to Charter 77, VONS etc.
The collection consists of 24 boxes measuring 3 metres. It was transferred within the delimitation process to the National Archive in 2011. The collection had not been extended or augmented during any time of its existence, therefore it has been preserved in its original form.
Początkowy rok wydarzenia
Autorzy tej strony
Müller, Dorota
Rajlová, Lucie
Lista przypisów
National Archives of the Czech Republic, Milan Hübl Collection
2019-01-15 21:49:37