April 8, 2015
Wiener Secession, Vienna
Beginning in the 2000s, the materials of the “IMAGINATION/IDEA” project (organized privately by László Beke in 1971) have been featured at several exhibitions, both in Hungary and internationally, and were also published as a book.
This comprehensive collection of conceptual art, after its initial appearance in Hungarian (Budapest: OSAS – tranzit. hu, 2008), has been published as facsimiles with English translations along with Eszter Szakács's interview with László Beke and his essay describing the context of the project and updated biographical data regarding the participants (tranzit. hu – JRP|Ringier, 2014).
The event is held on the occasion of the publication of the English version of the book. Participants in the discussion were Georg Schöllhammer (critic and curator from Vienna), László Beke (art historian from Budapest) and Dóra Hegyi (curator from Budapest).
Laszlo Beke's 1971 Collection in an International Context, Tranzitdisplay Prague, 23.03. 2017–21. 05. 2017.