"In the book Remembrance and Admonition (with the subtitle "Personal records from 1945 to 1953), Anton Vovk makes notes about events, phenomena and persons in the first decade of the communist terror, the persecution of priests and intellectuals, the methods of the People's Protection Department and similar repressive organisations, and, above all, his personal experience with the communist regime and the many interrogations to which he was subjected year after year. He presents his own martyrdom very calmly, but vividly, when the indoctrinated mob poured gasoline over him and set a fire in a train car, with which he came to Novo Mesto on January 20, 1952, and the months of recovery afterward (he stayed alive because of his agility at those difficult moments)."
Hrvoje Hitrec, https://www.hkv.hr/kultura/osvrti-kultura/2205-osvrt-na-knjigu-antona-vovka-qv-spomin-in-opominq.html)
Blaž Otrin was the chief editor of the book, who wrote the introduction to the sources and prepared the index of persons.