Artpool organized a symposium to commemorate the 100th birthday of Marcel Duchamp in cooperation with the Department of Aesthetics at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (organizers: György Galántai and Péter György). The symposium was preceded by a call for applications announced by Artpool for international artists to cooperate in the event by sending artworks, documents, projects related to the spirit of Duchamp. Among the participants, one finds artists like Vittore Baroni, Robin Crozier, Christo, Klaus Groh, Ruth Wolf Rehfeldt, etc. Artpool organized an exhibition based on the received materials entitled In the spirit of Marcel Duchamp. Concerts, sound presentations, video-screenings, slide projections and short presentations were parts of the program of the symposion. Tibor Szemző (piece for Directed Chance), András Wilhelm & Zoltán Rácz (concert on five sculptures) and István Márta (Multimedia sound improvisation on two sculptures and a video) gave concerts on György Galántai’s sound sculptures. Tamás Szentjóby’s Centaur, Miklós Erdély’s Lecture in Kalocsa and András Szirtes’ Diary were being screened. Ray Johnson’s letters, mail art and sound materials were projected from slides. The following lecturers held five minute-long talks, evoking Duchamp by measuring time with a chess clock: Gábor Andrási, Imre Bak, László Beke, Ákos Birkás, Dezső Ekler, László Földényi F., Péter György, Lóránd Hegyi, Özséb Horányi, Gabriella Kernács, Albart Kováts, Endre Kukorelly, Gábor Pataki, Miklós Peternák, Endre Rózsa T., Talán Sebeő, János Sugár, Endre Szkárosi, Annamária Szőke, Ádám Tábor, Gábor Tóth.