Event (general): Opening of the Cultural centre 'Kaštan'

After the Popmuseum headquarters was destroyed by the 2002 flood, part of the newly renovated collection of Popmuseum was moved to the cultural centre Kaštan in Břevnov, Prague in 2005, which is now the institution’s headquarters.
Bělohorská 201/150, 169 00 Praha 6 - Břevnov, Czech Republic
Pokaż na mapie
Początkowy rok wydarzenia
- 2005
Główni aktorzy
Autorzy tej strony
- Bárta, Jan
Wydarzenie z
Lista przypisów
Popmuseum. 2018. “Popmuseum”. Accessed August 13. http://www.popmuseum.cz/about/about.php?l=cz#history.
Diesler, Radek. 2016. "Příběh pražského Popmusea 1998-2015." Nový Populár, No. 1. Accessible at https://www.popular.sk/pribeh-prazskeho-popmusea-1998-2015-i-s-malym-hercem-se-da-hrat-velke-divadlo.
Opekar, Aleš , Diestler, Radek, interview by Chmátal, Jonáš , April 07, 2017. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection
2019-02-14 12:55:31