Filtry ˆ

Autorizația de construcție a Bisericii Reformate din Dâmbul Rotund din anul 1977



  • rumuński

Rok utworzenia

  • 1977

Autorzy tej strony

  • Jánosi, Csongor

Lista przypisów

ACNSAS – Arhiva Consiliului Național pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (Archives of the National Council for the Study of the Securitate Archives): I – Fond Informativ (Informative fonds): file 211500, volumes 5.        

KKREL – Kolozsvár–Kerekdombi Refomátus Egyházközség Levéltára (Archive of the Reformed Congregation of Cluj–Dâmbul Rotund), year 1977, file 7.

Dobri, András, ed. 2014. Emlékezés Dr. Dobri Jánosra születésének 100. évfordulóján (Remembering Dr János Dobri on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth). Kolozsvár.

Interview with Anna Jankó, 18 August 2018.

Dobri, András , interview by Jánosi, Csongor , August 23, 2018. COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection

2019-02-03 09:45:53