Ferenc Grezsa was born in Kiskunmajsa on 16 July 1932 and died in Hódmezővásárhely on 12 July 1991. He was a Hungarian literary historian, critic, editor, and university instructor. From 1942 to 1948, he was a student at the Piarist Secondary School in Kecskemét, and he then spent two years pursuing studies at the József Katona Secondary Grammar School. In 1952, he began teaching in Kistelek. In 1956, he graduated with a degree in literature from the University of Szeged. Grezsa taught at the Bethlen Gábor High School in Hódmezővásárhely from 1957 until 1975, and he became the director of this institute in 1962. In 1975, he became the director of the Department of Hungarian Literature in the Juhász Gyula Teacher Training Faculty at the University of Szeged. At this time, he chose his field of research. He decided to focus on the works of László Németh, a writer who was on the edge of being banned under the system at the time. In 1976, he became a member of the Academic Committee in Szeged and the Hungarian Writers’ Association. In 1978, Grezsa became a member of International Hungarian Philological Society. In 1981, he became the main editor of Kincskereső, a magazine for children. In 1984, he became an associate professor at the Attila József University (today the University of Szeged), and in 1990, he became a professor at this university.