Rolf, Jenő
An agent with the cover name “Rolf Jenő” was recruited in January 1977. He worked as a photo laboratory assistant in a company in Cegléd. He undertook the service from patriotic commitment, so he was categorized as a so-called secret commissioned person. He photographed street actions in 1989 in Budapest. However, in Hungary, the freedom of assembly was guaranteed by the law as of January of 1989, but the secret police functioned by following old methods. The agents still observed an event by taking photos of the participants and their banners. These photos are kept in the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security (Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára – ÁBTL).
Lista przypisów
Müller, Rolf. Titkok – képek – nyolcvanas évek/The Secret Pictures of the Eighties. Budapest: Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára – L’Harmattan Kiadó, 2011.
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