Juhan Aare (born in 1948) is an Estonian journalist and politician. He is best known as the host of the television programme ‘Panda’ on Estonian Television, which looked at environmental problems in Estonia and abroad. In the edition of the programme that was aired on 25 February 1987, he disclosed secret plans to open phosphorite mines in northern Estonia, which could have caused serious environmental problems. His appeal to the people of Estonia to write letters expressing their thoughts about these plans was effective, and unleashed a large wave of protest in Estonia in the spring of 1987, which is now known as the Phosphorite War. At the same time, he started to collect letters sent to him, and other material connected with the television programme ‘Panda’ and the Phosphorite War in general. In the 1990s he began to supplement the collection with raw material for his book about the Phosphorite War. The book Fosforiidisõda 1971-1989 (the Phosphorite War 1971-1989) was published in 1999. Juhan Aare presented his collection to the Estonian History Museum when the museum was preparing the exhibition ‘EI FOSFORIIDILE! 20 aastat fosforiidisõjast’ (No to Phosphorite! 20 Years since the Phosphorite War). He was also an advisor to the exhibition.