Resistance of Turkish Minority in Bulgaria
Bursa , Turkey
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- bułgarski
Nazwa kolekcji
- The Resistance of the National Turkish Minority against Exclusionary Politics in the People's Republic of Bulgaria.
Pochodzenie i działalność kulturalna
Opis zawartości
- The collection includes oral history interviews with around one hundred witnesses of the Bulgarian communist regime, who today live mostly in Turkey. It also contains photos and scanned documents, such as documents about detention in a forced labour camp, or "concentration camp" as Dinç, Vildane (Alieva, Vildane) has defined it, and government enforced exile.
- dokumenty prawne i/lub finansowe: 10-99
- fotografie: 10-99
- nagrania dźwiękowe: 100-499
Osoby zaangażowane w kolekcję
Zasięg geograficzny ostatniej działalności
- międzynarodowy
Data utworzenia
- 2010
Miejsce utworzenia
Bursa, Turkey
Pokaż na mapie
Twórcy zawartości
Wyróżnione obiekty
Rodzaj dostępu
- wizyty po wcześniejszym umówieniu
Autorzy tej strony
- Kasabova, Anelia Dr.
Lista przypisów
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Знеполски, Ивайло, Александър Везенков, Даниел Вачков, Даниела Колева, Иван Еленков, Мартин Иванов, & Чавдар Маринов. История на Народна република България: Режимът и обществото. София: Сиела, 2009 [Znepolski, Ivaylo, Aleksander Vezenkov, Daniel Vachkov, Daniela Koleva, Ivan Elenkov, Martin Ivanov and Chavdar Marinov. History of the People's Republic of Bulgaria: Regime and Society. Sofia: Siela, 2009].
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Иванов, Михаил. За тези събития трябва да пише в учебниците. Интервю на Даниела Горчева с Михаил Иванов. 22 март 2009 [Ivanov, Mihail. These Events Need to be Discussed in the History Textbooks. Interview of Daniela Gorcheva with Mihail Ivanov] 22th March 2009. Retrieved from
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, interview by Kasabova, Anelia Dr., . COURAGE Registry Oral History Collection