znalezione kolekcje
Obiekty na stronie:
- Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1950
Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Letter from Rudi Supek to Milan Rakas, editor-in-chief of Komunist, 9 October 1973.
- Letter from the Joža Rožanković printing press addressed to the Praxis editorial board, notifying them of the cancellation of printing services, 19 March, 1975.
- Supek, Rudi, interview by Radio Zagreb, 1989. Audio recording
- Supek, Rudi. Foreword to the third edition of the book This only earth. 1989. Typescript
- “Rudi Supek Night”. 2001. Poster
Rudolf Mihle (1937–2008) was one of the most important Czech amateur filmmakers. Some of his films were critical of the communist regime and society. Therefore, they were censored and could not be publicly screened. Mihle was an active member of the Czech Club of Amateur Filmmakers (Český klub kinoamatérů).
- Malešická 12, 130 00 Prague 3, Czech Republic
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 2000
- Wyróżnione obiekty :