znalezione kolekcje
Obiekty na stronie:
- Budapest Károlyi utca 16, Hungary 1053
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1981
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
- București Strada Alecu Russo 13, Romania 030167
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1973
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
- București Strada Alecu Russo 13, Romania 030167
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1961
Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Letter of invitation from the French Foreign Ministry to Sanda Stolojan, in French, Paris, 9 May 1968
- Protest message of the International Association for the Protection of Monuments and Historic Sites in Romania, in French and English, Paris, 1985
- Report by Constantin Cesianu for the General Assembly of Carol I Royal University Foundation, in Romanian, Paris, 1971
- Kyiv City, Kiev, Ukraine 02000
- Kyiv Olesia Honchara Street 33, Ukraine
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 2000
Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Horska, Alla. Vasyl Symonenko, 1963. Painting.
- Sevruk, Halyna. Crucifixion, 1969. Ceramics.
- Stus, Vasyl. Poems smuggled out of Ukraine, 1979. Manuscript
- Svitlychna, Nadia. Bookmark embroidered in Mordovia, 1970s. Applied arts object.
- Svitlychna, Nadia. Dress adorned with embroidered collar, 1970s. Clothing.
- Zalyvakha, Opanas. Billiards (Tabirne), 1989. Painting
- Zalyvakha, Opanas. Zone (Zona), 1972. Painting.
Skilling H. Gordon (1912-2001) was a prominent Canadian historian, political scientist and Slavist. His life and work were closely linked to the dramatic fate of Czechoslovakia from the late 1930s to the 1989 Velvet Revolution.
- Na Zátorách 6, 170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice, Czech Republic
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1976
- Wyróżnione obiekty :