aktywność religijna alternatywne formy edukacji
alternatywne style życia i bunt codzienności
awangarda, neo-awangarda
cenzura dysydenci partyjni
film inwigilacja
krytyka naukowa kultura ludowa
kultura młodzieżowa
kultura popularna kultura undergroundowa
literatura i krytyka literacka muzyka nauka krytyczna
niezależne dziennikarstwo ochrona środowiska
ofiary prześladowań autorytarnego/totalitarnego reżimu
opozycja demokratyczna
publikacje podziemne
ruch kobiecy
ruchy broniące mniejszości
ruchy broniące praw człowieka
ruchy etniczne ruchy filozoficzne/ideowe ruchy narodowościowe
ruchy pokojowe ruchy społeczne
ruchy studenckie sztuka medialna
sztuki piękne
sztuki wizualne
teatr i Sztuki Performatywne
wolność sumienia
dokumenty prawne i/lub finansowe elementy sztuki użytkowej
inne inne obiekty artystyczne literatura podziemna
nagrania dźwiękowe
nagrania muzyczne
nagrania video
odzież pamiątki
rysunki i karykatury
rzeźby rękopisy wyposażenie techniczne
The collection testifies to the thirty-six-year activity of Croatian journalist and writer Jakša Kušan (1931), who propagated the idea of a democratic, pluralistic and free Croatia in exile from 1955 to 1990. By editing and publishing the non-partisan magazine Nova Hrvatska, he tried to inform the Croatian and global public about the suppression of human rights and civil liberties in socialist Croatia and Yugoslavia.
The Collection of Croatian-American historian Jere Jareb (PhD) contains over 4,500 books, magazines and various brochures in Croatian, English, German, Italian and Slovenian. Dr Jareb, who began compiling the collection in the 1950s, donated it to the Croatian Institute of History in 1997. A particularly intriguing part of the collection are the numerous editions of books, magazines and brochures published by Croatian emigrants in the USA who were critical of the communist regime in Croatia and Yugoslavia. Some of these editions are not available anywhere else in Croatia.
The collection includes various pieces of documentation about the ‘Phosphorite War’ that took place in Estonia in 1987, and material about the Estonian television programme ‘Panda’ in the second half of the 1980s. The collector of the material is Juhan Aare, the journalist and politician who unleashed the Phosphorite War. The most valuable part of the collection is made up of the letters written by people in Estonia and sent to Juhan Aare or to Estonian Television. These letters refer to the environmental situation and the national question in Estonia.
Justas Paleckis (1899–1980) was a chairman of the presidium of the Supreme Council of Soviet Lithuania from 1940 to 1974. Paleckis’ collection holds his personal papers, various manuscripts, notebooks, correspondence with Lithuanian writers and scholars, and letters from victims of Stalinist repressions. The documents reflect the aspirations and the ambitions of the Lithuanian cultural elite to preserve and develop the Lithuanian cultural heritage.