znalezione kolekcje
Obiekty na stronie:
The Krunoslav Draganović Collection on World War II and Post-war Victims is an archive collection whose original collector was the priest Krunoslav Draganović, who, relying primarily on the testimonies of survivors and other witnesses, planned to publish a book on the crimes of the Yugoslav communists.
- Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1999
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
The collection gives much valuable information about the policy of the Lithuanian Communist Party Central Committee towards the Lithuanian national intelligentsia and the Lithuanian national heritage. The documents cover the most dramatic and repressive period in the history of Soviet Lithuania.
- 01103 Vilnius Gedimino prospektas 12 , Lietuva
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1946
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Vilnius, 40 Gediminas avenue, 01110 Lithuania
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1994
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Zadar, Croatia
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1990
- Wyróżnione obiekty :
- Zagreb Trg Marka Marulića 21, Croatia 10000
- Zagadnienia:
Data utworzenia:
- 1842
- Wyróżnione obiekty :