aktywność religijna alternatywne formy edukacji
alternatywne style życia i bunt codzienności
awangarda, neo-awangarda
cenzura dysydenci partyjni
film inwigilacja
krytyka naukowa kultura ludowa
kultura młodzieżowa
kultura popularna kultura undergroundowa
literatura i krytyka literacka muzyka nauka krytyczna
niezależne dziennikarstwo ochrona środowiska
ofiary prześladowań autorytarnego/totalitarnego reżimu
opozycja demokratyczna
publikacje podziemne
ruch kobiecy
ruchy broniące mniejszości
ruchy broniące praw człowieka
ruchy etniczne ruchy filozoficzne/ideowe ruchy narodowościowe
ruchy pokojowe ruchy społeczne
ruchy studenckie sztuka medialna
sztuki piękne
sztuki wizualne
teatr i Sztuki Performatywne
wolność sumienia
dokumenty prawne i/lub finansowe elementy sztuki użytkowej
inne inne obiekty artystyczne literatura podziemna
nagrania dźwiękowe
nagrania muzyczne
nagrania video
odzież pamiątki
rysunki i karykatury
rzeźby rękopisy wyposażenie techniczne
Gino Hahnemann was an East German Bohemian active in the independent literary, art, film, and most notably, LGBT communities of the 1980s. He contributed to the alternative milieu of the GDR as an author, photographer, set designer and filmmaker. Hahnemann was one of the first and few authors in the GDR to openly write about private homosexual experiences. His estate is preserved by the Academy of Arts in Berlin.
The photo archive of Goran Pavelić Pipo contains over 15,000 negatives. The photographs are mainly black and white, and on them Pavelić recorded rock concerts and everyday life around the popular Zagreb cafés Zvečka, Blato and Kavkaz in the period from the late 1970s to the late 1980s, also known as the new wave era. His photographs were conceptually and aesthetically opposed to the photographs in the then official press, such as Večernji list, Vjesnik or Borba, and thus represented a kind of cultural opposition. The Pavelić Photo Archive is extremely important to an understanding the phenomenon of the new wave and the contemporary urban scene in socialist Zagreb.
The private collection of historian Gábor Klaniczay (1950-) includes written, visual, and audio sources from the 1970s and 1980s. These sources all concern the alternative, underground cultural trends, art, music performances, and political oppositional movements of the period. The almost entire series of the samizdat publications from Hungary also constitute an important part of the collection, as do the leaflets and posters from his trips to Paris and New York.