aktywność religijna alternatywne formy edukacji
alternatywne style życia i bunt codzienności
awangarda, neo-awangarda
cenzura dysydenci partyjni
film inwigilacja
krytyka naukowa kultura ludowa
kultura młodzieżowa
kultura popularna kultura undergroundowa
literatura i krytyka literacka muzyka nauka krytyczna
niezależne dziennikarstwo ochrona środowiska
ofiary prześladowań autorytarnego/totalitarnego reżimu
opozycja demokratyczna
publikacje podziemne
ruch kobiecy
ruchy broniące mniejszości
ruchy broniące praw człowieka
ruchy etniczne ruchy filozoficzne/ideowe ruchy narodowościowe
ruchy pokojowe ruchy społeczne
ruchy studenckie sztuka medialna
sztuki piękne
sztuki wizualne
teatr i Sztuki Performatywne
wolność sumienia
dokumenty prawne i/lub finansowe elementy sztuki użytkowej
inne inne obiekty artystyczne literatura podziemna
nagrania dźwiękowe
nagrania muzyczne
nagrania video
odzież pamiątki
rysunki i karykatury
rzeźby rękopisy wyposażenie techniczne
The Section LL archive contains material produced by an important part of the Slovenian lesbian and gay movement and its activist groups since their establishment in 1984. The collection primarily holds documents and other materials related to the activities of Section LL, comprehensive press-clippings, underground magazines, promotional materials (posters, leaflets, etc.) and a variety of visual material, some with artistic merit. The archival materials testify to the first lesbian and gay organizations established not only in Yugoslavia, but also in socialist Europe. Moreover, the Slovenian gay and lesbian movement in the 1980s was somehow unique in the socialist context, since its activities were completely public and it enjoyed extensive, often even rather positive media coverage.
Lexoviny is a collection of cartoon comics by the Slovak tramp artist Lexo. It was released in several volumes by the Tramp association Severka [Trampské združenie Severka].
Dr. László Végh was a well-known character in the underground circles in Hungary in the 1960s. A radiologist and composer with a nonconformist attitude, he organized informal meetings in his parent’s apartment and in other places, at which he presented experimental works of music, gave lectures, and arranged readings and debates. He recorded these events, and he archived them and presented them on other occasions. The archive mostly consists of musical recordings and scores, and it contains the recorded readings and debates, as well as letters, documents, manuscripts, memos, photographs, slides, and drawings.